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What to Expect


When visiting Grace Community you can expect to be warmly welcomed by Christians who are genuinely interested in who you are and the occasion for your visit. We have many young families who attend, so don’t be surprised to see many children. We are family integrated, which just means that children sit in the service with their parents. For parents with little ones, we do have a Nursery and Mothers Room to take their babies and toddlers to (the service is streamed into these rooms, so parents don’t miss the message.) Our worship service lasts about 2 hours or less and follows a traditional liturgy comprising of the reading of scripture, prayer, singing and the preaching of the Word. The sermon is usually about 50 minutes. We sing a mixture of traditional and modern hymns as well as some choruses lead by piano and guitar. We observe the Lord's Table every other week and ask that newcomers meet with one of the Elders first before receiving the Lord’s Supper. The service usually finishes between 12:15 - 12:30pm. 

If you are concerned about what to wear, don’t be. Casual, casual-dress and even some suits are what you will see when you come. Come as you are with ears ready to hear the Gospel. If you happen to visit on a Fellowship Meal Sunday, feel free to stay, there is lots of food.

Please browse our website to find out more about who we are and what we believe.

We look forward to meeting you.
Grace to you.