Rescued by His grace, we share, celebrate, and extend the grace of God in Christ in our church family, neighbourhood, and the world, for His glory.
First of all, Grace Community Church is exactly what our name implies: A Community of Grace. Having been called out of this world by the sovereign grace of God, we also have been called by that same grace to gather together as a local body of believers to worship the glorious and majestic Tri-une God of grace. Because grace literally means “undeserved or unmerited favor”, we as a church ought to be characterized as a grateful church who praise and rejoice in the God who has freely and graciously chosen to save us from the eternal penalty of our sins and rebellion against Him.
Secondly, Grace Community Church is Evangelical. The word “evangelical” is derived from the Greek word which literally means “Good News.” The Bible makes it very clear that those who have been converted and transformed by the Good News of Jesus Christ's death for sinners are also to freely share this “Gospel” with others. Of course, this is not a grievous burden, since God has given His people new hearts that actually delight in sharing with others the Good News of God's provision of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Grace Community's “non-negotiable” is the Gospel. For more information about the Gospel, click here.
Thirdly, and related to being evangelial, Grace Community is Missional. Basically, we take seriously the Great Commandment our risen Lord Jesus gave us as His church “to make disciples of all people groups” (Matt. 28:18-20), which includes, but is definitely not limited to, Lethbridge and Southern Alberta. All other activities of Christ's church are to be subsumed underneath His great and eternal purpose of enabling and equipping the church as His body to consummate the Mission for which He came to inaugurate, namely the salvation of all those for whom He came to save.
Fourthly, Grace Community is Calvinistic, that is, we adhere to what has been traditionally called “the Doctrines of Grace.” Basically, this means we hold to – with the Bible – a high view of God's sovereignty in all things, including the salvation of His people. Rather than paralyzing His people, the Bible teaches that this is our greatest motivation for obedience and evangelism. For more information regarding Calvinism, click here.
Fifthly, Grace Community is Baptistic. We believe that Scripture clearly teaches that those who have become members of Christ's community by faith alone in His finished work are to be subsequently baptized by immersion upon the public confession of their faith. Thus, the prerequisite for admission into membership of Grace Community is what is commonly called “Believer's Baptism.” For more information about believer's baptism, click here.