Why we do Grace Groups
Community is essential for growth in the Christian's life. As important and vital as teaching is, Christians must also learn to "do life" together, which is pretty much impossible to do if all we do is show up for teaching sessions on Sunday, and then return back to 'our' life for the other six days. Biblical Christianity will have none of our North American individualism, which, unfortunately, has crept into many churches.
Every other week, our Grace Groups gather together at one of the member's houses or at the church building. We have a time of worship through fellowship, a time of interactive teaching/discussion, and close with a time of group prayer.
Grace Community has several Grace Groups that take place at various times throughout the week.
The non-negotiable components that characterize our groups are derived from how the early church did life together in Acts 2:42-47, namely:
-Devoted to the apostles' teaching/doctrine
-Devoted to true gospel fellowship together
-Devoted to breaking bread together (i.e. eating together)
-Devoted to praying with and for one another
-Sharing our resources with one another (whether time, talents, money, etc.)
-Gathering in each others' homes
-Inviting non-Christians to our GGs to experience Spirit-empowered fellowship
Our desire is that the Lord would continue to add people to His church (2:47), which He Himself promised to build (Matthew 16:16).
If you would like more information about our Grace Groups, please send us an email. We would love to answer any questions you might have.